
SDMNY Evaluation Report

Elizabeth Pell

An August 2019 independent evaluation of SDMNY’s New York City pilot program found that participating in its facilitation process was as associated with:

  1. increased self-advocacy, greater self-confidence, a wider array of experiences and trying new things, reduced anxiety, and greater happiness in people with IDD.
  2. reduced concerns that may have led to guardianship petitions for most potential guardian family members.
  3. removal of stereotypes about people with IDD in facilitators who engaged in the SDMNY training and experience.
  4. aligning with their values and expectations of how to treat their adult family members with IDD: respecting their voice, encouraging them to advocate for themselves, and supporting them to have more control over their own lives.

Download PDF SDMNY Evaluation Report


Piloting Personhood: Reflections from the First Year of a Supported Decision-Making Project (2017)

Kristin Booth Glen

Locating personhood within the human right of legal capacity, the article describes some of the lessons  SDMNY learned in the first year of its experiment in implementing legal capacity through SDM.

This and other articles published as part of the Cardozo Law Review’s issue on its 2017 legal personhood symposium are also available.

Download PDF Piloting Personhood: Reflections from the First Year of a Supported Decision-Making Project (2017)