Resources: Evaluations

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Evaluation of the SDM Project (2012)

Margaret Wallace

This report provides an independent evaluation of  South Australia’s Office of the Public Advocate (OPA) SDM pilot from 2010 to 2012, among the world’s first, which targeted a total of 26  persons with and intellectual disabilities and traumatic brain injuries, detailing benefits to Decision-Makers as well as some of the challenges experienced by Supporters. 

Download PDF Evaluation of the SDM Project (2012)

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Quality Trust for Individuals with Disabilities – Final Report-Survey on Supported Decision-Making in Practice

Burton Blatt Institute Syracuse University

The Report summarizes findings of a survey of people with I/DD with and without guardians, who engage in some informal form of SDM, as well as their guardians, and important persons in their lives.

Download PDF Quality Trust for Individuals with Disabilities – Final Report-Survey on Supported Decision-Making in Practice